Friday, September 7, 2012

Slate names Baucus fastest marathoning politician

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s fib over his supposed sub-3:00 marathon time has created quite a stir among the running community.

Now has put together a nifty little animated graphic showing who the fastest Washington, D.C. politicians are.

It should come as no surprise to Montanans that Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, famous for his passion for distance running, is near the top of the list.

Ryan’s “2 hour and 50-something” Marathon time would have beaten out Baucus’ personal record of 3:01, but, as the Slate graphic points out, that time was DQed.

Ryan later told a reporter for Toledo News Now that he forgot his time and was trying to give an average time.

"I literally thought that was my time. It was 22 years ago. You forget sorta these things," Ryan said.

Here’s a link to the graphic where you can watch Baucus best the field of representative stick people.
