Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Judge’s order granting Barry Beach new trial


It remains a mystery how KURL 8 reporter Katie Ussin managed to get Judge E. Wayne Phillips’ order granting Barry Beach a new trial before even the Roosevelt County Clerk of Court got the signed order, but kudos to Katie for an impressive scoop.
I know many people have been waiting to read the order for themselves, so without further ado:
Judge's order


  1. In my opinion, the judge should have set Barry FREE!!! Just hope at his next trial he gets a jury that sees the truth and rights a wrong that Barry has paid a big majority of his life for. Glad to hear after all his years of fighting, he FINALLY got a REAL JUDGE! NOW LET'S HOPE HE GETS A REAL JURY!!
    Debbie, Washington State

  2. he should have been set free,but hopefully the jurors see what the whole world can see is a innocent man in prison while the real killers runfree

  3. How can the state actually go through with a new trial? They have no evidence (except for a trumped up confession that is so loaded with holes) it smells. The state should finally let this go, after over a quarter of a century with nothing; they should quit wasting my tax dollars.

  4.'s ADO, not adieu.

  5. I watched the Dateline episode of Barry Beach's' case for the 6th time today and every time it airs I watch it again and again mainly to view the last 45 seconds where it states any updates. I was absolutely elated to see he was finally granted another trial. I agree he should be released but within a new trial the truth shall prevail. As far as tax payers and the expenses of a new trial the concern should be of the amount of money Mr. Beach will obtain by suing the city/state for misconduct within their departments (all departments)he is more than entitled to a nice settlement for his ordeal but I feel its only fair that his settlement should be taken from the retirement accounts of all the people involved in framing Mr. Beach as well as the prosecutor/governor should forfeit his 500k annual salary to Mr. Beach, since these people are ultimately to blame for allowing murderers to walk free in order to protect their reputation. If you or I were to cover up a murder or conspire to keep the truth hidden we would face a 10 year sentence but in this case it is deemed to be okay and apparently ethical.. The wheels of justice, fair or faulted have failed Mr Beach, Miss Nees, and ultimately a whole nation.

  6. We just watched the Dateline episode of Barry Beach. Living in Louisiana I say with total and clear passion that the authorities from Ouchita Parish, LA who helped convict him probably should have to serve his original prison sentence. Those corrupt individuals have probably gotten away with the same injustice so many times before it is standard operating procedure to elicit confessions. But that doesn't let the Montana prosecutors and the PAROLE BOARD off the hook. This is unbelievable! INJUSTICE has had it's finest hour. Where and how are these close minded people ever held responsible for their brutal actions on other people's lives? God Bless and help Barry Beach!


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